Ms. Rodriguez

A critical role and important member of our Washington school, are the many paraprofessionals that serve alongside our teachers and staff. A new face to our paraprofessional team is Ms. Emily Rodriguez who will support our English Language Learners with Mrs. Amy Holton. Ms. Rodriguez grew up in Silver Lake and attended Silver Lake Elementary in kindergarten before transitioning to Washington and graduating from Warsaw Community High School. After graduating, Ms. Rodriguez attended Grace Christian University in Grand Rapids, Michigan majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Global Communications. 

Since moving back to Warsaw, Ms. Rodriguez has been positioning herself to start her new career journey in education. As she shares, "When I was in high school I was interested in teaching and took some dual enrollment classes with IVY Tech in an Early Childhood Education program. That is when my interest in working with children began." Ms. Rodriguez's natural talents in building relationships with students and her bilingual skills are tremendous in helping meet the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of ELL students. "Being able to see the 'ah ha' moment when the students understand the material brings me so much joy! Being able to help students comprehend that they are empowered, knowledgeable and capable to achieve their biggest goals and dreams is my biggest passion and ultimate goal. Not just for themselves but for their family and community surrounding them. I find that having someone believe in these kids is so crucial to their development and I am so excited to have the opportunity to be apart that."

Welcome Ms. Emily Rodriguez to Washington! We are excited to see the impact you have in the lives of students and their families.