Tiger Tuesday Claypool & WACC

This week's Tiger Tuesday Tributes celebrate Claypool Elementary and Warsaw Area Career Center (WACC).

 Let’s begin with Claypool Elementary. (Thank you to Brock Rhodes and his Claypool team for putting this beautiful spotlight together).  

 Here’s a recap of their amazing video:

Mrs. Rees, proud principal of Claypool Elementary, wants the community to know that Claypool has an amazing staff - dedicated to students' learning. Claypool has an excellent state certified STEM program and is recognized as a PLC Model School.  

What makes Claypool...Claypool?

At Claypool:

We feel like we belong.

We help each other.

We encourage each other. 

We are respectful, responsible, and safe.

Claypool is a community, the people, a place where everyone feels loved, a place to call home, a place for second chances.  

Claypool is Claypool because KIDS COME FIRST!

High expectations. High standards. Amazing leadership from every single staff member. Push to be BETTER. Go Claypool!


Three (Tiger Tuesday) Cheers for Claypool Elementary! We appreciate you!

And now for our friends at WACC. (Thank you to Ronna, Paul, Jill, Linken Silveus & Angela Hopper for creating this awesome spotlight).  

Here are the highlights of their amazing video:

Meet the WACC Team: 

Ronna Kawsky, Principal & Director (WACC).

Paul Zakaria, Assistant Principal (WACC).

Jill Jackson, Assistant Director (WACC). 

 They are so proud of the WACC Team. Shine ON! 

WACC offers so many amazing opportunities for students that could NOT happen without the WACC teachers and admin assistants. 

Thank you for meeting the challenges. This shout out is our way of letting you know how much you mean to us all. Kudos! Keep making a difference!


I think we can all agree that this team NAILED IT! We appreciate everyone who makes WACC the # 1 Career Center in Indiana year after year! Have a Terrific Tiger Tuesday!

#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw